Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Treaty of Waitangi

I understand that it was signed by over 500 chiefs in thee north and south island and that the Maoris wanted to be free in their land and they wanted to have guns and other weapon's and the crown wanted the land  and to be able to keep the land and not just be killed when they give the Maoris the guns and weapons.

I don't understand why so many Maori's signed the treaty of Waitangi but only one English person signed it

In class we have been learning about what the Maoris wanted and what the crown wanted and how many people signed it and it was only written in one part Maori and the rest was English
This is my results and its a bit different to my one in class

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Last week was our first week at school new class room new teacher and we have Ms Mynes .We have been doing lots of ict stuff and setting up our online callenders. this week we have started writing our letters for Ms Mynes and our profile