Thursday, August 30, 2012

For homework we are doing a competition for mathletics and i got 5286 points

Monday, August 27, 2012

Paralimpic Profile

                                                               Tim Prendergast

Athletes name:  Tim Prendergast

Event or events: T13 Men's 800m
                             T13 Men's 1500m
Age: 33

Resides: London (england)

Disability they have:  5% vision

Previous Olympics experience:  He went to the 2000 to the 2oo8 and has been accepted for the 2012 olympics

Details of their event, rules, how it is competed etc: The Paralympic Athletics competition features two middle distances on the track: 800m and 1500m. Athletes compete in a number of different classifications, varying according to how much their impairment impacts on their event-specific performance

Any other information I could find:c

Their result at the 2012 Paralympics: (to be done once their event is completed)


Monday, August 20, 2012

Brown Brothers-Joshua Iosefos speech

Joshua is the prefect of his school and and this is his speech he has presented to his school.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PrEP advert

last term we were working on our prep adverts my group was James,Abby Lee, Jane and Brooke and this is our advert

Magnery from Room 10 Winton on Vimeo.


This week we have been presenting our speeches and Miss Brown has been marking them and when it was my turn to present mine I was really nervous because we had to present them in front of the whole class. but when I was about half way threw I wasn't to badly nervous. I had changed my topic from why fords are better than holdens to why rugby is the best sport in the world. this was because I couldnt finhd any information on why fords are better than holdens and my oinly good fact was that fords had made the first car but I couldnt find nothing else. When i finished my speech I was only 1 minute 55 seconds and it had to be atlest 2 to 4 minutes. I didnt really want to get into the finals anyway.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

These are my photos and they are in my back yard
or the grass and the sun rise through the trees